School of Arts and Science, Doctoral program in Social and Cultural Anthropology, PhD student

Scientific interests / research interests

Medical anthropology, Practices of transforming appearance, Gendered, cultural and social meanings of hair, Corporeality, Posthumanism.

Contact Information



Ketevan Lapachi graduated from Tbilisi State university, with degree in Oriental Studies, in 2018. In 2018-2019, she was a Kuwait University scholarship holder for learning Arabic language. In 2021, she received a master’s degree in Religious Studies from Ilia State University. While studying for a Master’s program in Religious Studies, she was awarded an Erasmus+ scholarship to spend one semester at Uppsala University, Sweden. Ketevan presented her master’s thesis “The Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions on Funeral Rites” in 2022 at the summer school organized by the WWU Münster, for young scholars, entitled “Pandemic Ethics in Georgia and Germany”.  Ketevan  participated in various workshops and summer schools held for young researchers and PhD students: “The struggle for attention in the public sphere”, TU Dresden, Germany, 2023; ” Coexistence Theology”, Orient Institute Beirut, Cairo, Egypt, 2022; “Researching Common Territories”, Marneuli, Georgia, 2022.



PhD Programme



