Workshop by Rayya El Zein: Cultural Studies in/and the Global South: Thinking and Organizing Around Race in the Periphery of the Anglophone Academy

Cultural Studies in/and the Global South: Thinking and Organizing Around Race in the Periphery of the Anglophone Academy Workshop for Doctoral Students in the Department of Anthropology, Ilia State University sponsored by the American Research Institute of the South Caucasus. June 28-29, 2021 In May of 2020, a Black man from Minneapolis, George Floyd, was […]

Dominic Gutmeyr “Camera Caucasica. Global Networks of Photographic Practices in the Transimperial Caucasus”

On Friday, April 16, 2021, the research project: Tbilisi as an Urban Assemblage and Doctoral Program in Anthropology will host a talk Dominic Gutmeyr with his talk:“Camera Caucasica. Global Networks of Photographic Practices in the Transimperial Caucasus”.“Dominik Gutmeyr is Assistant Professor at the section of Southeast European History and Anthropology, Institute of History, University of […]

Daniela Bandelli: The debate on gestational surrogacy. Reproductive freedom, women’s exploitation and the child.

Friday, 26th of March, at 17.00 , the research project “Surrogacy as a Networked Phenomenon” (head of the research group Elene Gavashelishvili) and the Doctoral Program in Anthropology invite to the talk of Daniela Bandelli: The debate on gestational surrogacy. Reproductive freedom, women’s exploitation and the child. The talk will be in English. Those wishing to attend, […]

Ketevan Sokolova-Kurdiani and the Search for Modern National Architecture in Soviet Georgia

During her lifetime, architect Ketevan Sokolova-Kurdiani (1905 – 1988) enjoyed an esteemed career, and as a pioneer in her field, she earned the designation of the “first female Georgian architect.”  Many of her buildings still stand and are memorable for their stately elegance and “national character.”  In my presentation, I will provide the architect’s biographical details and attempt […]


Conference for Georgian PhD Students of Socio-Cultural Anthropology Organisers: Tbilisi State University (Ketevan Khutsishvili), Ilia State University (Florian Mühlfried) Time: Friday and Saturday in May 2021 Participants: PhD students of socio-cultural anthropology from Georgian universities Outline This conference is meant to bring together the current PhD students of socio-cultural anthropology in Georgia who are involved in fieldwork […]

The Tbilisi Dendrological Park, Mtatsminda Forest, and The Arsenal Oasis

In today’s presentation Cowles will introduce three recent landscape architecture projects by Isthmus Group in Tbilisi: The Tbilisi Dendrological Park, Mtatsminda Forest, and The Arsenal Oasis. She will outline how each project addresses specific challenges and opportunities of working in a complex and developing city. The presentation will be followed by a question and answer session. Isthmus Group, […]

Research Seminar: “The Neighbrouhood” in Anthropological Research

You are invited to attend a research seminar to be held on 20 November 2020 within the frames of the Project Tbilisi as an Urban Assemblage and the Ilia State University’s Doctoral Programme in Anthropology. Anthropologist Susanne Fehlings will give a speech on “The Neighbourhood” in Anthropological Research. About the Speaker Dr Susanne Fehlings is […]


The Ph.D Program in Social and Cultural Anthropology is proud to inaugurate the Inspirational Lecture Series in Anthropology. The series will deal with different experiences of ethnographic fieldwork in various parts of the world while providing unique interpretations and perspectives about these experiences. Participants of these lecture series will talk about what it means to […]

Mariam Shalvashvili and Dato Laghidze have been awarded doctoral scholarships by the Heinrich Boll Foundation

Mariam Shalvashvili and Dato Laghidze, PhD Students of Social and Cultural Anthropology at Ilia State University, received Heinrich Boell Foundation Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung South Caucasus Scholarships for doctoral research. Mariam Shalvashvili’s research is about the role of conspiracy theories and doubts in the formation of citizenship. On the one hand, research will look at how conspiracy theories and […]

PhD Programme



