Nino Lomadze graduated from the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs, Caucasus School of Journalism and Media Management in 2006. She has been working as a journalist and editor of the publications “Hot Chocolate”, “Liberal”. In 2015, along with editors and media managers, she founded an independent media INDIGO, consisting of quartarly printed edition, a daily updated website, books and live events. Nino Lomadze is the editor of INDIGO edition and author of the digital projects. She is the author of two books: Apple Orchards (Litera award 2019; Saba award 2019), Smell of the Soil (2021).
- Lomadze Nino „Reviving Memory“ INDIGO (2021)
- Lomadze Nino „When you fight, run or hide“ INDIGO (2021)
- Lomadze Nino „080808“ Memory of the August War, INDIGO (2019)
- Bakradze Nino, Japiashvili Nino, Lomadze Nino „Patriarchate’s Capital“ INDIGO (2018)