Crossing Borders, Building Walls. Towards Ethnography of Russian War Mobilisation. (2023-2024)

About the project:

The project investigates the migration wave related to mobilisation in Russia announced in September 2022 regarding the ongoing war in Ukraine. Project puts a particular focus on establishing: how do migrants explain their decision to flee from mobilisation? How do they explain the mobilisation? To what extent do they perceive the migration as an individual, social and political act? The project recognizes that the mobilisation is a new pushing factor in the contemporary European and World’s migration crisis, and therefore it requires a separated academic reflection. Moreover, since February 2022, there has been a clear and dynamic increase in the number of Russian diasporas in Europe and around the world, and their status and role require investigation. The project therefore focuses on Russian migration of mobilisation in order to establish how it fits into the debates about the humanitarian crisis, what are its particular features and how mobilisation as a pushing factor affects the current migration landscape. Within the framework of the project in 8 selected countries – Poland, Finland, Estonia, Georgia, Armenia, Turkey, Kazakhstan and Mongolia – the project aims to conduct in-depth interviews (IDI) each with migrants/refugees/fugitives/conscientious objectors of Russian citizenship from different social strata and ethnic groups who crossed the border after the announcement of partial mobilisation in their country.

Project publications:

Darchiashvili, Mariam; Gurchiani, Ketevan, Mishakov, Nikita, Schenk Caress (2024): Local Responses to Russian Migration in Georgia and Kazakhstan, Policy Memos. Ponars, 29.05.2024.

Project events:

The conference was co-organized by Ilia State University in Warsaw, Poland

International Academic Conference

(In)Visible Russian (Anti-)War Migration

March 13-15, 2024, Warsaw



Read more about the project

PhD Programme



